Direct AFM-based nanoscale mapping and tomography of open-circuit voltages for photovoltaics

In the article cited below Katherine Atamanuk, Justin Luria and Bryan D. Huey present “a new approach for directly mapping VOC (open-circuit voltage) with nanoscale resolution, requiring a single, standard-speed AFM scan. This leverages the concept of the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback loop that underpins nearly all AFM topography imaging.”*

NanoWorld™ Pointprobe® CDT-NCHR conductive diamond coated silicon AFM probes were used in the described CT-AFM experiment.

Supporting information for «Direct AFM-based nanoscale mapping and tomography of open-circuit voltages for photovoltaics”: Figure S1: Representative quasi-VOC* image from the measured photocurrent upon illumination during an applied voltage fixed at 700 mV. NANOSENSORS conductive diamond coated CDT-NCHR AFM probes were used in the described CT-AFM experiment
Supporting information for «Direct AFM-based nanoscale mapping and tomography of open-circuit voltages for photovoltaics”: Figure S1: Representative quasi-VOC* image from the measured photocurrent upon illumination during an applied voltage fixed at 700 mV.

“Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) is an inexpensive thin-film photovoltaic with ca. 5% of the 2017 global market share for solar cells. To optimize the efficiency and reliability of these, or any electronic devices, a thorough understanding of their composition, microstructure, and performance is necessary as a function of device design, processing, and in-service conditions. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been a valuable tool for such characterization, especially of materials properties and device performance at the nanoscale. In the case of thin-film solar cells, local photovoltaic (PV) properties such as the open-circuit voltage, photocurrent, and work function have been demonstrated to vary by an order of magnitude, or more, within tens of nanometers […] Recently, property mapping with high spatial resolution by AFM has been further combined with the ability to serially mill a surface, in order to reveal underlying surface structures and uniquely develop three-dimensional (3D) nanoscale property maps. The most notable examples are based on pure current detection with the AFM to resolve conduction pathways in filamentary semiconducting devices and interconnects […], and tomographic AFM of photocurrents in polycrystalline solar cells during in situ illumination […].”*

*Katherine Atamanuk, Justin Luria, Bryan D. Huey
Direct AFM-based nanoscale mapping and tomography of open-circuit voltages for photovoltaics
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2018, 9, 1802–1808.
doi: 10.3762/bjnano.9.171

The article cited above is part of the Thematic Series “Scanning probe microscopy for energy-related materials”.

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The article “Direct AFM-based nanoscale mapping and tomography of open-circuit voltages for photovoltaics” by Atamanuk et. al is an Open Access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Membrane sculpting by curved DNA origami scaffolds

In the article “Membrane sculpting by curved DNA origami scaffolds” the authors show that “dependent on curvature, membrane affinity and surface density, DNA origami coats can indeed reproduce the activity of membrane-sculpting proteins such as BAR, suggesting exciting perspectives for using them in bottom-up approaches towards minimal biomimetic cellular machineries.”*

The AFM images for this article were taken in high-speed AC mode using NanoWorld Ultra-Short Cantilevers of the USC-F0.3-k0.3 type.

Supplementary Figure 5 b from Membrane sculpting by curved DNA origami scaffolds: Characterization of folded DNA origami nanoscaffolds. ( a ) Assembly of the folded bare origami structures L, Q, H was initially assessed via agarose gel (2%) electrophoresis analysis. Lanes containing marker DNA ladder (1kb) and M13 single - stranded p7249 sc affold (Sc) were also included. ( b ) Structure of folded bare origami L, Q and H was further validated using negative - stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM ; scale bar s : 100 nm ) and atomic force microscopy (AFM ; scale bar s : 200nm ).
Supplementary Figure 5 b from “Membrane sculpting by curved DNA origami scaffolds”:
Characterization of folded DNA origami nanoscaffolds.
b) Structure of folded bare origami L, Q and H was further validated using negative-stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM; scale bars: 100 nm) and atomic force microscopy (AFM; scale bars: 200nm).

*Henri G. Franquelim, Alena Khmelinskaia, Jean-Philippe Sobczak, Hendrik Dietz, Petra Schwille
Membrane sculpting by curved DNA origami scaffolds
Nature Communicationsvolume 9, Article number: 811 (2018)

Please follow this link to the full article:

Open Access: The article “Membrane sculpting by curved DNA origami scaffolds” by Franquelim et. al is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit

Vertical Light Sheet Enhanced Side-View Imaging for AFM Cell Mechanics Studies

Atomic Force Microscopy is a powerful tool for evaluating cell mechanics.
In the recent article “Vertical Light Sheet Enhanced Side-View Imaging for AFM Cell Mechanics Studies” by Kellie Beicker, E. Timothy O’Brien III, Michael R. Falvo, Richard Superfine published in Nature Scientific Reports, the authors combine sideways imaging and a vertical light sheet illumination system integrated with AFM to achieve their results.

5 µm polystyrene beads attached to NanoWorld Arrow-TL1 tipless AFM probes were used.

igure 5 from Vertical Light Sheet Enhanced Side-View Imaging for AFM Cell Mechanics Studies: Membrane and nuclear displacements observed in response to force-rupture events between the AFM-tip and cell membrane. (a) Retraction portion of force-indentation curve with important points (A-G) identified. A, the point of zero force application to the cell, B-F, force-rupture peaks, and G, after bead releases from cell. (b) A closer examination of peaks E and F with sub-peaks of the E rupture event identified. No point is shown for E1 because this is the frame immediately following Peak E0. Inset indicates regions where displacement is measured between points E and F highlighted in green. These regions were determined through difference imaging using frames taken at E and F. (c) Regions of cell displacements determined through difference imaging highlighted in green for the sub-peaks indicated in (b). Yellow dashed lines indicate outline of AFM mounted bead. Scale bars = 5 um. NanoWorld Arrow-TL1 tipless AFM cantilevers were used.
Figure 5 from Beicker et. al Vertical Light Sheet Enhanced Side-View Imaging for AFM Cell Mechanics Studies: Membrane and nuclear displacements observed in response to force-rupture events between the AFM-tip and cell membrane. (a) Retraction portion of force-indentation curve with important points (A-G) identified. A, the point of zero force application to the cell, B-F, force-rupture peaks, and G, after bead releases from cell. (b) A closer examination of peaks E and F with sub-peaks of the E rupture event identified. No point is shown for E1 because this is the frame immediately following Peak E0. Inset indicates regions where displacement is measured between points E and F highlighted in green. These regions were determined through difference imaging using frames taken at E and F. (c) Regions of cell displacements determined through difference imaging highlighted in green for the sub-peaks indicated in (b). Yellow dashed lines indicate outline of AFM mounted bead. Scale bars = 5 um.

Kellie Beicker, E. Timothy O’Brien III, Michael R. Falvo, Richard Superfine
Vertical Light Sheet Enhanced Side-View Imaging for AFM Cell Mechanics
Nature Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 1504 (2018)

For the full article please follow this external link:

The article Beicker et. al, Vertical Light Sheet Enhanced Side-View Imaging for AFM Cell Mechanics Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit