Invitation to visit booth 609 at MRS Fall Exhibit 2021

It’s the second day @Materials_MRS Fall Exhibit 2021. NanoWorld CEO Manfred Detterbeck is @NanoAndMore USA booth no 609 today. We are presenting #AFMprobes in many shapes and sizes, including giant inflatable #AFMtips. Have you already visited NanoAndMore USA booth no 609 to find out more?

NanoWorld AFM probes CEO Manfred Detterbeck taking a selfie in front of NanoAndMore USA booth no 609 at MRS Fall Exhibit 2021
NanoWorld CEO Manfred Detterbeck is at NanoAndMore USA booth no. 609 at MRS Fall Exhibit 2021 today

World Science Day for Peace and Development

We ‘re celebrating the World Science Day for Peace and Development today

Science Day is on “Science for and with Society in dealing with the global pandemic.” Keep up the good work! Best wishes to all scientists worldwide.
This year’s World Science Day celebration highlights the importance of “Building Climate-Ready Communities”. The objective is to bring science closer to society by highlighting some key scientific aspects and possible solutions provided by science, technology and innovation to some of the major global challenges society is facing today.

Happy Birthday Switzerland

It’s the Swiss National Holiday today. Have fun everyone while staying safe!
It’s the Swiss National Holiday today. Have fun everyone while staying safe!