Looking for AFM probes with a silicon nitride cantilever and a silicon nitride tip for applications in biology and life sciences?
Then tune in to this interview with NanoWorld CEO Manfred Detterbeck on the NanoWorld Pyrex-Nitride AFM probe series.
Looking for AFM probes with a silicon nitride cantilever and a silicon nitride tip for applications in biology and life sciences?
Then tune in to this interview with NanoWorld CEO Manfred Detterbeck on the NanoWorld Pyrex-Nitride AFM probe series.
The NanoWorld Arrow UHF was mentioned in this blog article on Microscopy and Analysis http://www.microscopy-analysis.com/blog/blog-articles/zoom-zoom-high-speed-afm-imaging
And the year of the rooster begins… NanoWorld wishes you all a Happy New Lunar Year!
#chinesenewyear #yearoftherooster #newlunaryear