KPFM surface photovoltage measurement and numerical simulation

Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy ( KPFM ) is a scanning probe microscopy technique. It is a combination of the Kelvin probe and of Atomic Force Microscopy methods. The technique consists in evaluating the difference in work function between two conducting materials, by using a nanometer scale tip ( the “KPFMtip”), and placing it close to the material to be characterised, where a difference in work function leads to an electrostatic force developing between the two, which is translated as an oscillation of the tip’s cantilever. A bia sapplied via an external circuit is varied until the force and hence the electrostatic field between sample and KPFM tip is cancelled.*

In the article “KPFM surface photovoltage measurement and numerical simulation” Clément Marchat, James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Lejo J. Koduvelikulathu and Jean Baptiste Puel present a method for the analysis of Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) characterization of semiconductor devices.
It enables evaluation of the influence of defective surface layers. The model is validated by analysing experimental KPFM measurements on crystalline silicon samples of contact potential difference (VCPD) in the dark and under illumination, and hence the surface photovoltage (SPV). It is shown that the model phenomenologically explains the observed KPFM measurements. It reproduces the magnitude of SPV characterization as a function of incident light power in terms of a defect density assuming Gaussian defect distribution in the semiconductor bandgap. This allows an estimation of defect densities in surface layers of semiconductors and therefore increased exploitation of KPFM data.*

The KPFM measurements were performed using NanoWorld ARROW-EFM conductive AFM tips with a PtIr coating.
The tip work function didn’t require calibration because only SPV measurement were performed and studied. Measurements were performed in the KPFM amplitude modulation (AM)mode rather than the frequency modulation (FM) one. The AM mode was chosen because lateral resolution was not a problem on the homogeneous bulk samples studied, allowing focus on the superior surface potential resolution that can be achieved with the AM mode.*

Fig. 1 from “KPFM surface photovoltage measurement and numerical simulation” by Clément Marchat et al:
Kelvin probe force microscopy setup schematic. The conducting cantilever carrying the KPFM tip is scanned over a surface while AC + DC potential is applied. The AC signal is a sinusoid whose frequency matches the mechanical resonance of the cantilever. The four-quadrant detector provides feedback in order to minimise cantilever oscillation by varying the DC signal thereby yielding the sample work function compared to the tip one.

*Clément Marchat, James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Lejo J. Koduvelikulathu and Jean Baptiste Puel
KPFM surface photovoltage measurement and numerical simulation
EPJ Photovoltaics10, 3 (2019)

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Open Access The article “KPFM surface photovoltage measurement and numerical simulation “ by Clément Marchat, James P. Connolly, Jean-Paul Kleider, José Alvarez, Lejo J. Koduvelikulathu and Jean Baptiste Puel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit

Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect

Although common in nature, the self-assembly of small molecules at sold–liquid interfaces is difficult to control in artificial systems. The high mobility of dissolved small molecules limits their residence at the interface, typically restricting the self-assembly to systems under confinement or with mobile tethers between the molecules and the surface. Small hydrogen-bonding molecules can overcome these issues by exploiting group-effect stabilization to achieve non-tethered self-assembly at hydrophobic interfaces. Significantly, the weak molecular interactions with the solid makes it possible to influence the interfacial hydrogen bond network, potentially creating a wide variety of supramolecular structures.*

In the paper “Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect” William Foster, Keisuke Miyazawa, Takeshi Fukuma, Halim Kusumaatmaja and Kislon Voϊtchovsky investigate the nanoscale details of water and alcohols mixtures self-assembling at the interface with graphite through group-effect. They explore the interplay between inter-molecular and surface interactions by adding small amounts of foreign molecules able to interfere with the hydrogen bond network and systematically varying the length of the alcohol hydrocarbon chain. The resulting supramolecular structures forming at room temperature are then examined using atomic force microscopy with insights from computer simulations.*

The authors show that the group-based self-assembly approach investigated in the paper is general and can be reproduced on other substrates such as molybdenum disulphide and graphene oxide, potentially making it relevant for a wide variety of systems.*

NanoWorld Arrow UHF-AuD ultra high frequency cantilevers for High Speed AFM were used for the amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy described in this paper.

Figure 4 from “Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect“ by William Foster et al.:
Impact of the backbone length of primary alcohols on interfacial self-assembly on HOPG. The basic monolayer motif is visible as expected in a 50 : 50 methanol : water mixture (a), here imaged by amplitude-modulation AFM (topography image). In a 50 : 50 ethanol : water mixture (b), two organised layers are visible both in topography and in the phase where it is more pronounced, outlined by a white dashed line (blue and red arrows). In phase, the self-assembled layers appear darker than the directly exposed graphite, where no structures are present (black arrow). The lower layer shows few resolvable features and is bordered by wide rows that have a separation of 5.89 ± 0.28 nm. In 50 : 50 1-propanol : water mixture (c), novel structures with long, straight edges emerge (red arrow) and grow on top of the exposed graphite (black arrow). The structures have a row periodicity of 5.86 ± 0.25 nm. The inset shows details of the longitudinal row structures near an edge. Further variance is seen in a 50 : 50 2-propanol : water mixture (d) where two types of domains form (red and blue arrows), both demonstrating a clear phase contrast with the graphite surface (black arrow). The domains have longitudinal rows with periodicities of 6.10 ± 0.35 nm (blue arrow) and 4.91 ± 0.45 nm (red arrow). Unlike for (c), higher resolution of the row (inset) evidence curved edges. The scale bars are 50 nm in (a) and (b), 100 nm in (c) and (d) main image and 20 nm in the insets. The purple colour scale bar represents a height variation of 1 nm in (a), (b) and (d), 3 nm in (c) and 0.5 nm in the insets. The blue scale bar represents a phase variation of 1.5° in (b), 2° in (c) and its inset and 15° in (d) and its inset.

*William Foster, Keisuke Miyazawa, Takeshi Fukuma, Halim Kusumaatmaja and Kislon Voϊtchovsky
Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect
Nanoscale, 2020,12, 5452
DOI: 10.1039/c9nr09505e

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Open Access: The paper « Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect»  by William Foster, Keisuke Miyazawa, Takeshi Fukuma, Halim Kusumaatmaja and Kislon Voϊtchovsky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit

Graphene Quantum Dots as Nanozymes for Electrochemical Sensing of Yersinia enterocolitica in Milk and Human Serum

Yersinia enterocolitica is a gram-negative bacillus shaped bacterium that leads to a zootonic disease called yersiniosis. The infection is demonstrated as mesenteric adenitis, acute diarrhea, terminal ileitis, and pseudoappendicitis. Rarely, it can even result in sepsis. According to the 2017 report of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Y. enterocolitica has been realized as the third most common foodborne-zoonotic disease after campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis in the European Union.*

Several studies suggested that the bacterium cannot survive after a proper pasteurization process, although contrary findings were also reported. The quick and accurate detection of the bacterium from food products or the body fluids of infected individuals is, therefore, important.*

Biosensors offer strong alternatives to the already existing detection techniques for rapid and sensitive quantification of Y. enterocolitica.*

In their paper “Graphene Quantum Dots as Nanozymes for Electrochemical Sensing of Yersinia enterocolitica in Milk and Human Serum” Sumeyra Savas and Zeynep Altintas describe a novel immunosensor approach using graphene quantum dots (GQDs) as enzyme mimics in an electrochemical sensor set up to provide an efficient diagnostic method for Y. enterecolitica.*

The developed method can be used for any pathogenic bacteria detection for clinical and food samples without pre-sample treatment. Offering a very rapid, specific and sensitive detection with a label-free system, the GQD-based immunosensor can be coupled with many electrochemical biosensors.*

The bare gold, GQD-laminated, and antibody-immobilized sensor surfaces were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) using NanoWorld Pointprobe® NCLR AFM probes.*

Figure 4 from “Graphene Quantum Dots as Nanozymes for Electrochemical Sensing of Yersinia enterocolitica in Milk and Human Serum“ by S. Savas and Z. Altintas:
AFM analysis of bare (A), GQD-laminated (B), and antibody-immobilized (C) sensor surfaces.

*Sumeyra Savas and Zeynep Altintas
Graphene Quantum Dots as Nanozymes for Electrochemical Sensing of Yersinia enterocolitica in Milk and Human Serum
Materials 2019, 12(13), 2189

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Open Access The article “Graphene Quantum Dots as Nanozymes for Electrochemical Sensing of Yersinia enterocolitica in Milk and Human Serum “ by Sumeyra Savas and Zeynep Altintas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit