HS-AFM video of Covid’s Docking Method

Johannes Kepler University in Linz Austria has published a High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy video of human lectin CLEC4G binding to glycans on a SARS-CoV-2 spike. This video was recorded by Daniel Canena and Peter Hinterdorfer and is, according to the two researchers, the first short film of the active structure the virus uses to attach to cell


NanoWorld Ultra-Short AFM Cantilevers of the USC-F1.2-k0.15 type were used for the HS-AFM video.

Please follow this external link to the Johannes Keppler University webpage to watch the video: https://www.jku.at/en/news-events/news/detail/news/film-of-covids-docking-method/ or have a look on Youtube


NanoWorld Ultra-Short Cantilevers (USC) for High-Speed AFM (HS-AFM)
NanoWorld Ultra-Short Cantilevers (USC) for High-Speed AFM (HS-AFM)

Screencast Overview about all NanoWorld AFM probes series reaches 500 views mark

  • the Pointprobe® Silicon AFM probe series is the most widely used and best-know AFM tips series worldwide
  • the Arrow Silicon AFM probes series offers optimized positioning through maximized AFM tip visibility
  • the Ultra-Short Cantilever Series offers six different kinds of AFM tips for High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy ( HS-AFM ) in air and in liquid for up to video rate scanning
  • and the Pyrex-Nitride Silicon Nitride AFM probe series which is designed for various imaging applications in contact mode and dynamic mode AFM

Have a look to find out more:

NanoWorld Screencast on Ultra-Short Cantilevers (USC) for High-Speed AFM (HS-AFM) and video rate Atomic Force Microscopy passes 1000 views mark

The screencast on Ultra-Short Cantilevers (USC) for High Speed AFM (HS-AFM)  and video rate Atomic Force Microscopy held by Mathieu Burri  has just reached the 1000 views mark. Congratulations Mathieu!

The Ultra-Short Cantilevers series combines very small cantilevers capable of resonating in the MHz regime and a very sharp and wear resistant tip and is dedicated to High-Speed AFM (HS-AFM). The Ultra-Short Cantilevers series consists of six different types of probes which cover the complete range of high speed scanning applications, from non-contact mode to contact mode, from measurements in air to measurements in liquid.

More information such as high speed videos, an image gallery and a regularly updated reference list of scientific articles on high speed AFM can be found on the dedicated website: https://www.highspeedscanning.com/ . You can also find references to scientific articles mentioning the use of NanoWorld USC AFM probes on the NanoWorld blog.

If you haven’t seen the USC screencast yet have a look at:


A Chinese Version of this screencast is also available: